Advanced search options
The Rank
number generated with each result and is the program's "best guess" as to how
relevant it thinks the file is to your query. This rank number, which can range from 1 to 1000,
depends on a number of factors, such as how many times your search word appears
in the file, how many words are in the file, and if the word appears in a title or header tag
(if it's an HTML file), among other factors.
You can use the booleans and, or, or not in searching.
Without these booleans, the search will assume you're anding the words together.
Evaluation takes place from left to right only, although you can use parentheses
to force the order of evaluation.
You can also use wildcards (asterisks) to search for matches to the beginnings of
words only -- you can't put asterisks at the front or in the middle of words.
example 1: Zon and God or Jesus
example 2: Zon and (God or not Jesus)
example 3: not (Zon or Jesus) and God
example 4: Z* and God
- This search evaluates the expression from left to right.
- This search will also be evaluated from left to right, although the operation
in parentheses will be evaluated as a whole first.
Zon or Jesus
will be evaluated first, a not
will be performed on that, then everything will be and
with God
- This will search for all files that contain words starting with the letter
and that also contain God